Beyond the Wardrobe

 After Donn and I returned from our first year in Japan, we were asked by Men for Missions, the layman’s branch of OMS, to lead a prayer initiative for the nation of Japan. We readily agreed because it would give us the opportunity to pursue our burden and passion to confront the powers of darkness in the nation of Japan, through the power of Jesus Christ, and to see spiritual captives set free.
We knew this kind of prayer wasn’t widely practiced or understood in the Body of Christ. At one of our MFM meetings for leaders of MFM prayer initiatives, someone expressed frustration that too often the only prayer requests at church prayer meetings were ones that had to do with physical problems. While these problems can certainly be very serious, it seems that prayers that have to do with battling the powers of darkness should also be encouraged.
 A couple years ago, we visited a church where the Sunday school teacher said he didn’t believe we needed to worry about demonic activity in this country. Could it be that’s why most of our prayer requests in the church are for health concerns? Are we convinced demonic activity only occurs in the dark corners of Africa? Or do we prefer to believe the battle that rages in the supernatural realm doesn’t exist at all? Or that as Christians, we are exempt from these battles?
Some years ago, Ken Dunkerly, CMA missionary to Poland, preached a wonderful message at the Grove City Alliance Church titled, “Beyond the Wardrobe.” He compared the supernatural spirit realm to the world of Narnia that lay “beyond the wardrobe.” A realm that exists but is invisible to most people.  Rev. Dunkerly said many people simply are not aware, or do not want to recognize, that this supernatural realm exists. But it is very real. We agree.  About 40 years ago, our eyes were opened to this realm. It was a rude awakening and took us well out of our comfort zone.
We recognized that our battle was against “principalities and powers, and the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places.” We saw the need to “Put on the full armor of God” so that we could “take our stand against the devil’s schemes” (Ephesians 6:11-12).  We discovered “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through the power of God to the pulling down of strongholds” (II Corinthians 10:4).
As we wrestled with the new understanding and what it required of us, Donn said one day, “Can’t we just live like ordinary people?”  We have discovered the answer to that question is no.  If we have chosen to be sold-out followers of Jesus Christ, we cannot live like ordinary people. The realm “beyond the wardrobe” is real. If we choose to ignore it and try to live like ordinary people, we will not only be ineffective soldiers of Jesus Christ, we may end up being casualties.  Whether or not we recognize that Ephesians 6:12 is true, all the forces of hell will be aligned against us. We will be soundly defeated or live lives of mediocrity.
 Reverend Dunkerly asked us several searching questions repeatedly throughout his message that I’d like to ask you next week to help you evaluate where you stand in the spiritual battle that’s raging.
Father, open our eyes as you opened the eyes of the servant of Elisha to see a clear picture of the battle we face. Enable us to see the enemy clearly, as well as your supernatural intervention. Amen.

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