He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

When we lived in Japan, I found a pair of daisy earrings at a Bible book store that dangled the words, “He Loves Me” from each earring. It reminded me of the game we played with daisies as children, “He/She loves me, He/She loves me not.” I loved the statement these earrings made: With God, there is no guessing game. The answer is always, “He loves me.”
Those earrings were precious to me but one evening as I removed them, I discovered one earring was missing. I put the remaining earring in my jewelry box hoping the other one would show up.
One day several years later, I noticed the remaining daisy earring in my box. I was so sad that I’d lost such a precious reminder of God’s love and a memento from Japan. I would probably never see it again.
The next day I went away for a few days while new carpet was being installed in our house because I’d had bad reactions to the fumes in the past. When I returned, I walked into the living room to look at the new floor covering. Something glinting in the light caught my eye and I bent to get a closer look.
There lying on our new carpet was my missing He Loves Me daisy earring! I was dumbfounded! How could this be? I picked it up and ran to my jewelry box to make sure somehow my remaining earring hadn’t found its way into the living room, but it was still in my box.
Mystified, I asked Donn what the carpet layers had done in the living room. He said they picked up the couch and tilted it on its side against the wall, then later moved it out on the new carpet while installing the floor covering where it had been. Had the earring fallen out of the couch when they tilted it? Maybe. But Donn said the installers swept the new carpet thoroughly before they left.
I’ll never be sure how my earring showed up on our new carpet, but I was so moved that God had seen my sadness and restored to me a precious reminder of His love. I hadn’t prayed about it, I hadn’t asked Him to help me find it, but He knew what it would mean to me. He knew because He loves me.
This Valentine’s Day, I’m reminded again that none of us are guaranteed that even the love of those we love and trust most will be ours for a lifetime—whether because of the fickleness of the human heart or because of death. Only with God can we be assured of no guessing games. Only with Him can be assured the answer will always be: He Loves Me.

Oh, how He loves you and me, Oh how He loves you and me.
He gave his life, what more could he give? Oh, how He loves you; Oh, how He loves me;
Oh, how He loves you and me.
(Kurt Kaiser)

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