The Fleece

Gideon said to God, “…Look, I will place a wool fleece on the threshing floor. If there is dew only on the fleece and all the ground is dry, then I will know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you said” (Judges 6:37 NIV).
While Donn worked and our children went to school, I spent much time in secret. My assurance grew that God was asking us to give Him a year of full-time service. Donn did not yet have that assurance, so at the beginning of April,1981, we agreed that we would put out a “fleece,” as Gideon did when he wanted to be assured that he was really hearing God.
In the bags and bags of clothing people had given us for our children, there was a winter coat that would fit our son in a year or two. Therefore, the fleece we decided on was that if someone gave us a winter coat for our daughter by the end of April, we would know that I was hearing God.
As the days passed, I was bombarded by doubts and fears. Why had I even thought that God was speaking to me? But a week and a half later, Donn and I were standing at the back of our church when a woman handed me a brown paper bag. It contained only one thing:  a winter coat* for Angie with a fleece lining! I wept as I repented for my doubt and unbelief.
Father, forgive us when we act as though we think you are like the idols of silver and gold who have mouths but cannot speak. Increase our faith, Lord. Amen.

Our home in Penn Hills from 1979 to 1982.
(*This is not a picture of  “the” coat—just an example of the fleece lining the coat had.)
(Devotional from Homespun Faith, Reflections from the Seasons of Life, copyright 2014 Daisy Beiler Townsend. Available as paperback or ebook: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Xulon Press. There are Links on this website on the Where to Buy Homespun Faith and Sarah’s Legacy page.  Locally at Fresh Grounds, M & M Grocery, Leanna’s Books, Penn Alps in Grantsville, Maryland, or from me 724-373-8445 or



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